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What does a marketing coach actually do?

As a professional in marketing, publishing and PR, I can help you identify weak spots in your marketing plus put together a simple, but effective marketing program based on your needs and budget.

I don't have much money. Can you still help me?

For as little as $59 a month, I can help you bring in hundreds, if not thousands, of extra dollars of profit. I do this by simply guiding your through your marketing efforts, giving you tips on what to do and how to do it for the best resuls.

I already do tons of marketing and nothing seems to work. How can you make it different?

I understand the frustration of doing a ton of work only to see a few paltry results. The problem usually isn't working harder or spending more money. It's usually re-branding or re-identifying your target market and how to speak to them to get them excited about what you've got.

How do we work together? My schedule is already packed.

I understand that everyone works differently. Some are visual; some auditory. Some like to work via email; some like to work via telephone. Still others prefer to have their sessions recorded and work off of questions they have. I can work in any way you like. If you prefer phone sessions, we can set up a standard time for you each week or month.

Seriously? Just $59?

My standard basic program is just $59 a month*. Based on your business, I will prepare a simple 30--day marketing "roadmap" to follow, one phone-SKYPE or recorded session (30 minutes) plus unlimited email support.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, we can set up weekly sessions for as little as $299 a month. I will give you my undivided attention to help you start seeing amazing growth in your business!

Marketing Results Coach

Get started! For just $10.00!
This is an initial session for you to "try before you buy" to see how things work. It includes a customized written program sample and personalized recording. (One per customer.)

Questions? Contact me for a complimentary email assessment.
I can answer all your questions and see if you are a good candidate for my personalized coaching service.

 Email me!    Request a phone call from me.


Copyright Moehr and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 2013

*Requires a $20 account set-up fee.